Every moment is fleeting. One might try to collect trinkets of memory, ticket shows, dried flower petals, or love notes. We try to keep the treasure of what truly is gossamer in hopes that we will never forget. However, as time passes, flowers turn to dust, tickets get lost, love changes, and so do the meanings of love notes. All these curiosities are ephemeral. When all of the trinkets are gone, the only things remaining are the residuals left in your memory.


Everything Ephemeral (preperformance)

192 two-inch square pieces of photogravure prints on flash paper.

Everything Ephemeral Detail 1.jpg

Everything Ephemeral (detail)

Each print is attached via magnets to copper nails. Each copper nail is connected with copper wire, which is then connected to an electrical source.


Everything Ephemeral (post preperformance)

After the performance, all that remains are the ashes and burnt markings of prints.

Everything Ephemeral (post preperformance detail)

After the performance, all that remains are the ashes and burnt markings of prints.

Unfortunately, there was only one person present for the performance and no recording as was planned. So… the only evidence of what the performance must have looked like is the video of the test run.